CiCi lu

CiCi Lu.jpg

Hometown: Houston, TX

Major: Economics, Pre-Medical

Year: Junior

1. Why did you join ABSA?

I started to consider joining ABSA after seeing someone’s graduation post during winter break of my freshman year. I knew I wanted more substance out of my orgs compared to the few I joined the first semester, but I really didn’t know what I wanted, so I had nothing to lose in giving ABSA a try. At the first GM, I saw the opportunities the members were given to constantly practice and improve on their professional skills, the endless events offered to build meaningful relationships with peers and the obvious dedication this org had to giving back to the community. It didn’t take me long to figure out that is exactly what I needed and I paid my dues before the meeting was over.

2. What is your favorite ABSA memory?

My favorite memory was the first IM basketball game of the Fall 2019 season. If y’all have ever seen me play basketball, y’all know I hate having the ball in my possession. I just run (barely.. More like a brisk walk) around the court waiting for one of the guys to do something, then I cheer. But, I have no clue what got into me that day and I ACCIDENTALLY dropped like 30 points. I was just as confused as everyone else, but it was pretty awesome. I will only be addressed as LeBron James from now on -- thank you.

3. What’s your favorite thing about UT Austin?

The location, for sure. From the events this city hosts, to the proximity us longhorns are to so many famous food joints, to just the big city vibe you get while walking around downtown at night, Austin is such an ideal city for college students. I also love how everything is in walking/ biking/ free bus ride distance from campus, so it’s almost impossible to be bored.

4. If you could give one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

I would definitely tell myself to stop being so boring. I came into UT very close minded and wanted to transfer schools after only a few hours on campus. I wish I did more of the college things you see in movies and put more effort into meeting people and having fun.

5. What is your dream job?

The President of the United States of America. Or a famous YouTuber.

6. What’s your favorite TV Show/Movie/etc?

My favorite movies ranked:

  1. The Social Network 

  2. Kill Bill Vol. 1

  3. Legally Blonde

  4. The Incredibles

  5. The Pursuit of Happyness

My favorite shows, not ranked, are:

  1. Gossip Girl

  2. How To Get Away With Murder

  3. House

  4. MasterChef

  5. Criminal Minds

My favorite song is Baby Shark.

7. What is one thing that you love about yourself?

I love my curiosity and I hope I never lose it. I always want to learn more about everything I come across and I love hearing other people’s perspective to further develop my understanding. 

8. Name the top five things on your bucket list

  1. Be invited into the White House 

  2. See the Aurora Borealis in person

  3. Participate in an eating contest

  4. Travel around the world like I’m in the remake of Eat, Pray, Love

  5. Run a marathon