Christopher Chen

Christopher Chen.jpg

Hometown: Katy, TX

Major: Computer Science

Year: Sophomore

1. Why did you join ABSA?

At first I only wanted to join ABSA for its professional development aspect. I didn’t expect much other than to learn valuable business skills that would help me after I graduated college. However, after only a few weeks, I realized that ABSA was so much more than that. The friends that I have made and the experiences that I have been through in this organization have really shown me that although I can learn a lot about business, I can also have fun about it, and make memories with people I enjoy being around. It’s what inspired me to apply for a directorship and then the position of VP, and it’s the reason why I want to stick with ABSA. ABSA has helped me grow and mature as a person through all the socials, workshops, meetings, and late night cram studying sessions, and I’m looking forward to another exciting year!

2. What is your favorite ABSA memory?

It’s gotta be boat party. I mean, a day at Lake Travis while you’re chilling with your friends? What more can you ask for? Even though I was new and didn’t know too many people, everyone made me feel welcome and invited. We got to do so many things like chill in the water, jump off cliffs, and play games on deck. I also really loved when we sang Happy Birthday to Matt and then pushed him into the water. Boat party is for sure the best way to destress from the struggles of school!

3. What’s your favorite thing about UT Austin?

Most definitely the people! Everyday you can walk down Speedway and see an entirely new set of faces. It’s really cool that there’s so many people from so many backgrounds and we’re all just kinda vibing together. I feel like I can really thrive in the atmosphere and I can always find a group of people to fit in with. UT’s location is also awesome; there are so many things to do when you want to explore and relax!

4. If you could give one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid!!! College is all about finding out what you like and who you are. Express yourself. Explore your interests and follow your passions. There’s always people out there who share your dreams and hobbies and surround yourself with them! Don’t be afraid of being embarrassed or stupid; we all have our moments, and we’re all in this together, learning as a whole. UT has so many opportunities to help their students, whether it’s for your career or leisure activities, so please please please check them out; in the end, it’ll totally be worth it!

5. What is your dream job?

My dream job is to create my own startup company. I’m not exactly sure what it will be, or when, but I know that I want to help people. I believe that life is all about doing what you love, and if I could ever have this opportunity it would mean the world to me. I’m also interested in teaching and content creating!

6. What’s your favorite TV Show/Movie/etc?

My favorite movies are The Prestige, Titanic, Interstellar, Logan, and La La Land. My favorite TV shows are Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Friends, and Black Mirror

7. What is one thing that you love about yourself?

My energy! I’m always ready to have fun, meet new people, and just have a good time! I’m down for anything, whether you want to talk or hang out, and I love being chill and getting along with everyone. My mission is to spread those positive vibes to everyone and put a smile on people’s faces.

8. Name the top five things on your bucket list

  1. Skydiving

  2. Riding in a hot air balloon

  3. Scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef

  4. Sleep in an igloo

  5. Visit the top of the Eiffel Tower