diane lee

Diane Lee.jpg

Hometown: Dallas, TX

Major: Accounting

Year: Sophomore

1. Why did you join ABSA?

When I learned more about ABSA after talking to officers through tabling, I became interested because of the philanthropic pillar and External Branch. But I already knew I was going to join ABSA as soon as I heard about it at orientation, and I immediately felt welcomed while attending Super Week events, such as Community Cleanup and Friday Funday. I've loved going to as many events as I could throughout the semester, from general meetings, events hosted by each branch, and ones planned by families. Through these, I've met many of the sweetest members in ABSA, and I’ve found a community that I love to be a part of and serve.

2. What is your favorite ABSA memory?

I’ve experienced so many wonderful things during my time in ABSA. I’ve gained more than I thought I ever could in terms of professional development, my passions, and this close community – including my External Branch! And if I were to pick my favorite memory, I would take it back to one of the events in the beginning that started my time with ABSA, which was camping. Camping was an event where I knew I was going to find some of my closest friends and make unforgettable memories with this organization. It also meant a lot to me that I had slept so comfortably that night (on the concrete road) after playing games and talking deep into the night with people who I would grow to be close friends with.

3. What’s your favorite thing about UT Austin?

I love the atmosphere of this campus, and it led me to the people I met, the places I got to explore, and the encounters I experienced. When I look back on UT in the future, I think I’ll remember the atmosphere of McCombs, PCL, Speedway, and the niche spots of UT with experiences I’ll come to treasure. I liked the feeling of walking around campus late at night and seeing other students doing the same, whether they’re going on a Jendy’s run or just walking down Speedway laughing with their deliriousness. It’s almost like the “city that never sleeps” but in our city of Austin.

Also, I learned that I like commuting by walking (except for the times that I’m almost late and have the run while swinging around my heavy backpack) and I get to slow down to look at the details of buildings, the sky, and people.

4. If you could give one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Don’t be too hard on yourself! You’ve worked to the best of your abilities, and just know that everything will work out perfectly in the end. What’s meant to be is meant to be. Also, you should document your time, whether it’s through photos, videos, or your journal, and it’d be so fun to look back on all of the great memories you’ve made so far. Overall, enjoy your year, and you’re doing great!

5. What is your dream job?

A professional thrift flipper and stationery designer.

I like upcycling and tailoring thrifted clothes – plus thrifting is good for the environment. I’ve been able to flip thrifted clothes by hand sewing, but I still have a lot to learn, including knowing how to use a sewing machine! I also have a bullet journal, and I think it would be so fun to design my own stationery products, like stickers, paper, and washi tape.

6. What’s your favorite TV Show/Movie/etc?

My favorite movies growing up were Coraline and The Incredibles. Also, Friends will always be special to me because my mom and I used to watch it all the time while she was using it to learn English.

7. What is one thing that you love about yourself?

I’ve come to learn how important it is for people to feel heard and understood. More often than not, people want to speak and get things off their chests. With that, one thing I love about myself is how I am a listener, and I’m always open to talk with anyone whenever they want to.

8. Name the top five things on your bucket list

  1. Spend one or two months in Korea – exploring, eating, shopping.

  2. Adopt a puppy or cat!

  3. Donate consistently to charities

  4. See the Northern Lights

  5. Go skydiving