Bryan onghai

Bryan Onghai.jpg

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Major: Business Honors

Year: Sophomore

1. Why did you join ABSA?

Originally, when I first came to UT, I didn’t want to join ABSA because I felt like I was simply copying my brother, Matthew (Monghai) Onghai. I searched all over campus looking for different orgs that weren’t ABSA trying to find a community that was “my own”, but none of them were as kind and welcoming. I still remember meeting Jade, Shivam, and Alina (??? I honestly don’t remember if you were there :/) at tabling during orientation and immediately forgetting their faces and their names. However, there was something about ABSA that stood out among the rest of the orgs on campus. Even before they knew I was Matthew (Monghai) Onghai’s brother, they were already so welcoming and inclusive. They even put me on the ABSA Instagram story! And so, despite my best efforts, I was not able to avoid the draw of the incredible people in this organization, and I have no regrets. Even though Matthew (Monghai) Onghai had already been a member for a year before me, I was still able to find my own niche and leave my own mark.

2. What is your favorite ABSA memory?

When I was in External Branch as a Volunteer Director, we jokingly said that we should have a sleepover in the Jester West Basement… and it actually happened. Together, we played board games, made Tik Toks (begrudgingly), and dominated a puzzle before claiming spots to sleep. I got two couches that were pushed together to make what was basically a large dog bed. After a suspicious visit by a guy in a pink hoodie in the middle of the night who decided to take a nap with us, we all got breakfast at J2. Some of us got to go back to our rooms to sleep, while others had to go to class to sleep. Imagine if there had also been a photoshoot for Friendly Feud that day. Yikes.

3. What’s your favorite thing about UT Austin?

Maybe I’m still in a honeymoon phase, but my favorite thing about UT is the campus. Walking around the buildings and watching the liveliness always makes me feel curious and inspired. There are so many unique places to discover that many people never get to see. Some of my favorite memories on campus involve walking around late at night with friends and simply exploring. I would test doors to buildings to see if they are unlocked to just look around inside, and walk down alleyways looking for faster ways to get around. There is something that is very peaceful about the campus that always makes me feel at home.

4. If you could give one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Be honest with yourself. When I first came to campus, I met a lot of people who really just hit the ground running and applied to different organizations trying to get good positions and experience. This led me into feeling pressured to do the same, which realistically I didn’t want to do. I ended up getting overwhelmed with different orgs and applications, so I just stopped. It took me a while to realize how much better that made me feel. Once I stopped doing what I disliked and moved on to following my actual interests, things started to become much more enjoyable. Even though it sounds obvious in hindsight, it is hard to take a step back in the moment to reflect. And also, especially because I was still a freshman, there really was so much time. There is no need to rush, and there is always more than one way to achieve your goals.

5. What is your dream job?

My dream job would consist of me owning my own business through which I can utilize my passion for engineering and design to make positive change on a large-scale. However, this is really vague and, honestly, I don’t even have a clue about what kind of product or service the business would provide. In terms of a more “realistic” career goal, my dream job would be to work at NASA to help develop spacecraft and other technologies that would enable humans to live on other planets.

6. What’s your favorite TV Show/Movie/etc?

  • Interstellar - really makes you think

  • Your Name - really makes you feel

  • Les Misérables (the Broadway Musical version) - really makes you think and feel

  • The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - really makes you laugh

  • Anime that makes me cry (pls recommend some)

7. What is one thing that you love about yourself?

I love my witty sense of humor. I laugh a lot at my own jokes even though oftentimes they are really not that funny at all. They are probably even worse than a dad. Sometimes though, I am able to make one person laugh and it always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I feel that my sense of humor allows me to never take myself too seriously, and HOPEFULLY not come out as being very intense. So if you ever see me laughing at my own cringey joke even though it is very obviously not funny, don’t feel obligated to laugh. Trust me. I’m used to it.

8. Name the top five things on your bucket list

  1. Go to SPACE

  2. Give a TED Talk

  3. Become a millionaire

  4. Start a business

  5. Make something for people that is useful