Emi Rinkliff

Emi Rinkliff.jpg

Hometown: Plano, TX

Major: Accounting

Year: Sophomore

1. Why did you join ABSA?

I knew going into my freshman year of college that I wanted to join a business organization so I looked into a few at orientation and at the beginning of the year. At orientation I had gone up to the ABSA table to get a free shirt (I admit), but I ended up really liking what ABSA seemed to stand for and both the professional development and social aspects it offered. After the first general meeting I was convinced that I wanted to participate in ABSA. I’m so glad I did because ABSA has become a place where I can learn and grow while also finding some of my closest friends.

2. What is your favorite ABSA memory?

My favorite ABSA memory was when my ABSA fam went to a pumpkin patch in the fall! It was one of the first bigger fam events that had happened, and I didn’t know everybody very well. As the day went on, though, I got to know the people who came more and had such a fun time! We took endless amounts of pictures, bought pumpkin flavored ice cream, jumped onto hay bales, and fed goats. It was one of the first social events I went to in ABSA, and I’ll always cherish my memories from it.

3. What’s your favorite thing about UT Austin?

My favorite thing about UT is that it has so many opportunities for everyone in a variety of areas. UT itself is academically so diverse and open, and it’s fairly easy to take classes from other majors and even explore minors that are different from that of your major. I feel lucky to go to a school like UT where I can get an amazing business degree while also getting a minor in radio, television, and film. UT’s location also affords all of its students the great opportunities of different restaurants to try, cute coffee shops, areas for hiking, and so many other amazing things to make your years at UT as good as they can be.

4. If you could give one piece of advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

Although my freshman year self was just last year, I still feel like I’ve learned and grown a lot throughout the year. I would tell my freshman self that going out of your comfort zone can bring you the best memories. I’m naturally pretty introverted and really quiet before I get to know someone. It was a little difficult meeting so many new people at the beginning of the year, and sometimes it was easier for me to skip out on some sort of social activity since I felt shy. However, when I did make myself go to the social events, I always ended up having such an amazing time. Through putting myself out there, I was able to meet some of the people who are now my closest friends.

5. What is your dream job?

My dream job would either be a director or a pastry chef. I love movies and think it would be so cool to be in control of your own set and have my own vision executed. I would be able to work with all of the actors and producers that I admire now, and I hope I could make a movie like the ones I love! I also love cooking, particularly baking, so being a pastry chef seems like it would be such a fun and creative job. I could spend all day in a kitchen baking.

6. What’s your favorite TV Show/Movie/etc?

My favorite TV shows are Fleabag, Normal People, and Parks and Recreation. Some of my favorite movies are Lady Bird, Little Women, In the Mood for Love, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Social Network, If Beale Street Could Talk, La La Land, and Inception.

7. What is one thing that you love about yourself?

One thing that I love about myself is how loyal I am to people and things once I really care about them. Whether it’s some of my best friends or a cause I truly believe in, I will always stand up for and defend them.

8. Name the top five things on your bucket list

  1. Visit Japan with my grandpa to see the cherry blossoms bloom.

  2. Road trip around all of the national parks around the Arizona-Utah-Nevada region with friends.

  3. See the Meet Vincent Van Gogh Experience of immersive Van Gogh artwork.

  4. Be an extra in a movie.

  5. Watch a meteor shower.